Key Features:
Patients | Patient Profile | Patient History | Appointments | Document Storage | Prescription | Encounters | Clinical Procedures | Medicines and equipment | Automated billing and pricing | Automated Stock Replenishment
Customise ERPNext software, suitable for hospitals, dispensaries and clinics. Maintain critical hospital-data without any hassle with ERPNext platform. As the health industry is very important and it is growing tremendously, the need to record and maintain data, files and information is a crucial task. With ERPNext, do everything smoothly and at one place.
- Access all patients’ data smoothly at one place.
- Link doctors, nurses and practitioners to one another with their employee data.
- Keep a record of doctor’s availability.
- Avoid double-booking patient’s appointments.
- Store various data, reports and notes at one place.
- View patient’s data and historical records easily.
- Have a record of a patient’s prescriptions and encounters.
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